Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Parent Handout & Medical Release Form

From the New Young Women Camp Guide
Inform and Include Parents
What a young woman learns at camp should strengthen her and bless her family. As you prepare for camp, you may invite the parents to share what spiritual needs and hopes they have for their daughter and also contribute ideas for the activities and skills that would benefit their families. Some parents may have expertise and skills to contribute. Inform parents of the dates, location, cost, theme, and activities that you have planned for the camp. Explain to the parents and the young women the standards of dress and behavior that are required (see 1 Timothy 4:12).
Before camp, ask each parent to fill out and turn in a Parental or Guardian Permission and Medical Release Form for each young woman. The form can be found at You should provide detailed information about the camp and the activities so that the parents can give informed permission for their daughter’s participation (see Handbook 2, 13.6.13).

In Handbook 2, 10.2 it states "The bishopric and Young Women leaders support but do not replace parents in this responsibility."

Optional - You can have the parents of the young women fill out the following form and use it to plan for camp. We hope that this form will help us "support" the parents while at camp and throughout the year

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