Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Priesthood brethren should be prepared to attend and assist with all Young Women (YW) activities planned
by their unit.
If coming as a stake, you should provide at least six Melchizedek Priesthood brethren or if a single ward,
you should provide at least two Melchizedek Priesthood brethren to be in camp at all times.
Two additional priesthood brethren will be required for any activity that is taking the girls away from the
actual camp, including hikes involving overnight camping. However, they may go home after this activity
is complete.
YW Leaders are responsible for choosing/assigning and giving direction for what is expected of the
priesthood brethren who attend YW camps.
Priesthood brethren’s names are to be submitted to the YW leaders they are assisting prior to leaving
for camp. YW leaders will provide this list to the camp missionaries. Missionaries will issue a lanyard
identifying these brethren have been assigned to assist their unit during the week at camp.
Any Priesthood brethren arriving after the arrival of the YW will also check in with the missionaries
and receive a lanyard.
Priesthood brethren should never be alone with YW leader or YW.
The main responsibility of the priesthood brethren is to assist YW leaders with the physical safety and
spiritual nature of the camp. Priesthood support for the camp is crucial for the accomplishment of these goals
and the priesthood brethren are expected to adhere to all camp rules and guidelines including dress standards.
It is important that the priesthood brethren attending camp make themselves available at all times to help the
stake/ward YW leaders and the camp missionaries with anything they may need.
Priesthood brethren should not bring family members with them to camp. Their focus and attention
should be on the YW and the program/activities planned by the leaders of their unit.
Priesthood brethren are not permitted to stay with wives who are YW leaders. For those camps that
do not provide a cabin for priesthood, brethren are to stay in tents, unless permission has been given
from the camp missionaries to bring a trailer. Priesthood brethren are to bring their own tents and
sleeping bags. Restroom and shower facilities for use only by the brethren will be clearly posted.
Priesthood brethren are not to be in YW cabins unless holding a testimony meeting inside because of
inclement weather, or when a Priesthood blessing is being given. There must be at least two priesthood
brethren and one YW leader together before entering a cabin for any reason.
Priesthood brethren must be married and at least 21 years of age or older. No young men or single
men are permitted during YW camp.
Priesthood Service Projects: An invitation to complete volunteer service assignments may be extended
to some invited stakes and wards. Assignments will be issued by the camp missionaries.

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